Category: Health

Does Chocolate Cause Acne?

There are many kinds of chocolate, but we’ll be speaking specifically about dark chocolate or pure, unsweetened cocoa. Unfortunately, there is no current, clear answer of whether or not chocolate [...]
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Are Cold Showers Better for the Skin?

Will taking a cold shower improve your skin’s appearance? Yes, actually, cold showers are better than hot showers for this purpose! Cold water is great for relieving itching sensations, causing [...]
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Is Mouthwash Better Than Flossing?

If you had to choose, is it better to use mouthwash or floss? Mouthwash is actually the best addition to brushing your teeth, according to this study. Rinsing with an [...]
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Do Wounds Heal Faster Without Bandages?

Do wounds heal faster without the use of bandages (Band-Aids)? No, wounds need moisture to heal, and leaving a wound open will leave the area too dry. Additionally, leaving a [...]
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Can You Wash Off a Sunburn?

Does showering “wash off” the UV rays from a sunburn? While showering or bathing after a sunburn can help relieve pain, itching, and inflammation, there is no scientific basis that [...]
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