Want to Contribute to Our Site?

We’re always looking for more questions and answers on this site! You can help the community by contributing your original articles for consideration.

We welcome pieces from anyone. Submissions will be edited by our lead editors and may be published at any time on this site or social media associated with MellowHelp.

If you do decide to contribute, please credit your sources, and feel free to include any supporting images if you wish. Also, ensure that your title is phrased as a question. Refer to other articles on the site for style choices.

Also, please be sure to include your name and a few sentences about yourself so we can credit you properly! Thank you for considering contributing to us at MellowHelp.com.

If you’re interested, please email us with your article or any questions at general@mellowhelp.com, or fill out the form below. We’ll reach back out to you within three weeks if we decide to use your article!

What is MellowHelp?

Our goal is to answer life’s questions both quickly and simply. From personal care to tech help to explaining how things work, it’s an efficient way to get an answer with sources provided.

How credible is MellowHelp?

MellowHelp articles are always properly sourced. We strive to always use the most credible source available for a given topic, and each article is fact-checked separately by our seasoned editors.

Does MellowHelp accept guest posts?

Of course! We love inviting writers to help build our collection. You can see our guidelines and how to submit here.

More questions?

Feel free to contact us at general@mellowhelp.com, or just use this form.